Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Share the love- It's GIVING TUESDAY CANADA!!


Get Involved

#unselfie #GivingTuesday


Why you may ask, should every child see this. I believe they are the only hope. The mess we are in can only be turned around by them, but they need to know what they are fighting.

This is a trailer for an excellent film that I hope everyone will watch.

Friday, November 28, 2014


Blog post by Tina Winterlik © 2014
http://twitter.com/#!/zipolita @zipolita
http://gplus.to/zipolita Google+

Went for a walk yesterday, played in the beautiful leaves, enjoyed the fresh air even though it was rainy in our beautiful rain forest, I was so grateful for our BEAUTIFUL DAY!!

We already have a bay full of ships...I can not imagine more...or worse an oil spill. Take a look and think...THINK...IF/NOT IF/WHEN  an oil spill occurred...it's horrible, unimagable what would happened to this...

LOOK at 1:21- 2:33 in this video...this would all be gone...these birds...everything..

We need to share, unite and end the madness.

Tina Winterlik aka Zipolita © 2014

Tina Winterlik aka Zipolita © 2014

Tina Winterlik aka Zipolita © 2014

Tina Winterlik aka Zipolita © 2014

Tina Winterlik aka Zipolita © 2014

3rd Beach View Painting Artist:Zipolita Size: 36 x30 Media: Oil on Canvas

Beach Walk Painting Artist: Zipolita Size: 36 x30 Media: Oil on Canvas

The Yellow Hat Painting Artist: Zipolita Size: 36 x30 Media: Oil on Canvas

Beach Walk 2 Painting Artist: Zipolita Size: 42 x 48 Media: Oil on Canvas

Tina Winterlik aka Zipolita © 2014

Tina Winterlik aka Zipolita © 2014

Mothers, Grandmothers, & Children United For the Environment!!

Copied from Defend Our Coast FB page & Vimeo
"We are looking forward to coming here with all the other women and children, to stand here fierce and gentle, and to tell people it's important to teach children they have a voice"

Mothers, grandmothers, and children: join us on Saturday as we take to the front line of the Burnaby Mountain resistance, on Unceded xʷməθkwəy̓əm (Musqueam), Sḵwx̱wú7mesh (Squamish), and Səl̓ílwətaʔ/Selilwitulh (Tsleil-Waututh) 

We want to send a clear message to Kinder Morgan and law enforcement that this is an intergenerational struggle - our voices and those of our children will not be silenced! 

We want to include and empower our children, giving them an opportunity to stand up for social and climate justice.

No Pipelines!!
No Tankers!!Stop Kindermorgan!!
Stop Destroying the Environment!!
Think of Our Children!!
Save The Mountain!!
Save Canada!!
Save The World!!

 Follow Updates on Burnaby Mountain here

Thursday, November 27, 2014

OH CANADA- this made me cry!

When I saw this in my Facebook feed I was saddened and upset and thought...do they know what they are doing and what effects this will have on their future...but when I saw the video the tears just flowed... OH STEPHEN HARPER....WHAT HAVE YOU DONE!!! You girls are so brave. Way to go but this is all soooo wrong!!!!

O Canada! Our home and native land!
True patriot love in all thy sons command.
With glowing hearts we see thee rise,
The True North strong and free!
From far and wide, O Canada,
We stand on guard for thee.
God keep our land, glorious and free!
O Canada, we stand on guard for thee;
O Canada, we stand on guard for thee.
O Canada! Where pines and maples grow,
Great prairies spread and Lordly rivers flow!
How dear to us thy broad domain,
From East to Western sea!
The land of hope for all who toil,
The true North strong and free!
God keep our land, glorious and free.
O Canada, we stand on guard for thee!
O Canada, we stand on guard for thee!
O Canada! Beneath thy shining skies,
May Stalwart sons, and gentle maidens rise.
To keep thee steadfast thro’ the years,
From East to Western sea.
Our own beloved native land,
Our true North strong and free!
God keep our land, glorious and free.
O Canada, we stand on guard for thee!
O Canada, we stand on guard for thee!
Ruler supreme, who hearest humble prayer,
Hold our Dominion, in thy loving care.
Help us to find, O God, in thee,
A lasting rich reward.
As waiting for the better day,
We ever stand on guard.
God keep our land, glorious and free.
O Canada, we stand on guard for thee!
O Canada, we stand on guard for thee!

Monday, November 24, 2014

Grandma & 11 year old Children Arrested- Burnaby Mountain Nov 2014

WHERE IS THE JUSTICE!! Nothing makes sense, arresting grandmas and children who are trying to protect the forest and environment. Shame!! Shame!! This isn't Canada!!

 Stella is correct on all fronts and very wise. Have a listen and please share.

Published on Nov 24, 2014
"My name is Della. I'm a mother and grandmother. I was born in Vancouver and lived most of my life in the lower mainland. Our federal government has stripped away the environmental protections for fish, lakes and rivers. We have provincial and federal governments willing to risk putting a bitumen oil pipeline through our mountain to the ocean and increasing the storage tanks, bringing in 30 more tankers a month. This makes no sense. This protest is also a tiny peak of what is going on around the world in an effort to slow down climate change."

Published on Nov 24, 2014
Watch more people cross police lines, including two 11-year-old Burnaby girls, to be arrested on Burnaby Mountain in defiance of a court injunction prhobiting people from interfering with Kinder Morgan's pipeline survey work

Saturday, November 22, 2014

What is Radical? Tamo Campos-Burnaby Mountain Protests

Just gained huge respect for Tamo Campos. His speech was perfect.

It expresses the TRUTH-LOUD AND CLEAR.
Have a listen and share. Please Share Widely.


Groups to follow
https://www.facebook.com/groups/111365508874859/  Salmon Are Sacred
https://www.facebook.com/InSolidarityWLD In Solidarity with Land Defenders
https://www.facebook.com/DefendOurCoast  Defend Our Coast
https://www.facebook.com/groups/558409607615700/  Stop Kindermorgan on Burnaby Mountain

Thursday, November 20, 2014

Mexico: They Didn't Know We Were Seeds!!

Mexico: #accionglobalayotzinapa - Global Action-We Are Watching! We are all  


In solidarity with  


We can turn or we can watch, do something, say something. WARNING: There are graphic images in the videos below. They are not for children. 

links to look at


#todossomosayotzinapa #accionglobalporayotzinapa #yamecanse #20novmx  

 Mexico: the Wound of the World #AyotzinapaGlobalForum







Saturday, October 25, 2014

Do Something!

Do Something!!

The video above was Uploaded to Youtube on Jan 9, 2012 It is the first I have seen but is so representative of issues faced here in Canada and especially in light of the Missing Women in Canada.

As the film states 

So I share this, as I pray and hope that this helps in some way. Money is spent on security, terrorism, war but instead of feeding people in poverty, helping with drug addiction, helping with affordable housing and providing support the government turns it's back on woman, especially indigenous women.
"Raise Awareness and Help End the Epidemic of Violence against Native Women in the U.S.—Please Share this Video from the Indian Law Resource Center, www.indianlaw.org Native women are murdered at 10 times the national rate; 1 out 3 Native women will be raped in her lifetime, and 3 out of 5 physically assaulted. Even worse, 88% of the perpetrators are non-Indian and cannot be prosecuted by tribal governments. Stand and take action now to restore safety and justice for Native women. Do Something! Visit www.indianlaw.org."

For Canada please reference these links.
 "The Missing Women Commission of Inquiry closed its office on August 1, 2013."



"The budget for the RCMP investigation into 18 murdered and missing women and girls along the so-called Highway of Tears has been slashed by 84 per cent in the last two years."

Thursday, October 23, 2014

Everything is Going to Be Alright! Share This!

A mental health awareness video created by Amelia Curran and friends.
You are not alone.
Directed by Roger Maunder

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Don't Feed The Fear!

Today something truly horrible happened in Canada.

 Soldier and assailant dead after chaotic Parliament Hill attack

My deepest condolences to the soldier's family.

Many things are changing in this country and there are so many things I want to complain about or get angry about. Yet I must control my fear! As this is where all stems from. We must not feed the fear.

Let's Save Canada. 
We must be Peacekeepers. 
Lighthouses of Peace. 
Please Choose Love today, Not Fear!

I invite you all to meditate today and everyday, visualize peace and love. Please love one another. Choose Love Not Fear! Have empathy and love for each other. It's time to wake up people. It is time of change. 

(This is a reminder to myself as well, we need to work at this! Together we can Change the World!)

Thursday, October 16, 2014

Can you eat for $3 a day? Bif's doing it!

The thing about poverty is you don't believe it could happen to you? and sadly it can. My daughter and I had to be on assistance while I was pregnant and until she was 3. That's when they kick you off.

We also we on it when my mom passed and I was grieving very deeply. Those were very difficult times and then can you imagine add to that I had usually about $100 for groceries. I remember scrounging coins and pennies to pay for little things. The food bank food was often outdated and food was bad, so I would go hungry.

Thankfully it's behind us but for many it's is still there reality.

Did you know that the current living wage for Vancouver is $20.10/hr?
But the minumum wage is $10.50 and then check out the welfare rates?

 "Living wage calculations are based on a two-parent family with two children – the most common family unit in BC – and each parent working full-time. The current living wage rate for Metro Vancouver is $20.10/hour. www.livingwageforfamilies.ca/about/what-is-a-living-wage/"

We currently earn well below the living wage but things are improving. But for the man who lives under the bridge and so many other homeless and single parents with kids forced to go on the system do legit circumstances such as unaffordable housing, it is cruel and inhumane to treat people like this. It does not foster good health, attitude or relations. When people are hungry, they get tired, angry, depressed and sick.

This is Canada. Things need to Change!
Raise the Rates!!


This is now, when I was pregnant 12 years ago it was only $525 I believe and my rent was $400

(I sublet a friends apt. Imagine trying to feed yourself well...eating for 2 on $100 a month. It was very difficult! )

Why $21 for a Week’s food
Total welfare
Rent (realistic rent for an SRO)*$450
Room damage deposit$20
Book of 10 bus tickets (to look for work)$21
Cell phone (to look for work)$25
Personal hygiene/laundry$10
Total of all non-food expenditures$526
What’s left for food $84

Saturday, September 27, 2014


Excellent! So beautiful! Living through all the noise and construction was really tough but it's paid off. And where they cut down one big tree they replaced it with about 25 little ones so I guess that's okay.

Can't wait to get out there more!! We've only gone to Jericho 2x...but hope to start riding down there daily!!

Friday, September 26, 2014

Hey Canada- It's Time for Change

The time is NOW! For all Canadians, indigenous and not, to work together and make a better future for our children. If not NOW, when?

Photos taken from Video- No Copyright Infringement Intended. Please contact for credits. Thanks

Posted on Vimeo
"400,000 people walked through the streets of NYC to make a statement to world leaders:
Act on climate change now! 

While many world leaders met in New York this week (Sept 23-26) to discuss how to act on Climate change Canada's PM Stephen Harper chose not to attend. Due to the aggressive expansion of the Alberta oil sands, Canada is set to become one of the world's worst climate criminals, while being left behind by the emerging renewable economy.

Meet the largest social movement of this decade and the greatest challenge yet faced by humanity.
Give Energy East A People's Intervention"

Follow the growing movement
Music: Ulali
Supplemental Footage:
Idle No More
Democracy Now
Video: zackembree.com

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Idle No More- POWERFUL Video-People's Climate March

Beautiful, POWERFUL, inspiring video that made me cry but gives me hope. Can we make the changes necessary, for our children's and future grandchildren's sake, I pray we can

Photo from Idle No More Video-

Published Youtube on Sep 22, 2014
"Indigenous leaders at the Peoples Climate March in New York speak to the urgency of Climate Change and the need for all of us to be #IdleNoMore. From the Amazon to the Arctic, Indigenous Peoples are defending our climate and teaching allies about how extractive industries are directly connected to sovereignty, colonization, and violence against Indigenous women.

Thanks to Ulali for the beautiful and powerful music!"

Friday, September 19, 2014


Published on Sep 16, 2014
21-09-2014 World Peace Meditation.
Join us for a Global Meditation on the International Day of Peace, September 21.
web: www.unify.org
facebook event:

There are 3 ways that you can participate:

1. Gather your communities at 12:00 Noon in your time zone to create a wave of peace moving across our planet.

2. Join us for a Global Synchronized Moment of World Peace at 12:00 Noon PDT.

3. All of the above!

There is a timezone conversion chart here:

Sign up for the audio broadcast with prominent Spiritual Leaders @ www.unify.org

Organizations and Spiritual leaders around the world are unifying for a global experience of Inner Peace.

Join this movement of people coming together to create Inner Peace as the first big step towards creating World Peace.

Organizing an event for the first time? go to www.bethepeace.com to receive an organizer package.

People's Climate March!! Get it Done!!



For Immediate Release
September 17, 2014
March Organizers See Surge of Momentum for People’s Climate March; Over 100,000 expected for September 21
New York City — Over 1,000,000 flyers have been handed out across New York City in the last five days. Hundreds of volunteers are canvassing subway stations across the city. 496 buses are coming in from nearly all 50 states. More than 32 marching bands are ready to play. It’s official: the People’s Climate March is going to be big. 

If the weather holds, over 100,000 people are expected to attend demonstration on Sunday to demand bold action on climate change. Police have blocked off traffic on Central Park West from 59th St. to 86th street to accommodate the tens of thousands of students, workers, parents, scientists, beekeepers, and more who are joining the march.

A People’s Climate March will host a general press availability and press conference will take place on Central Park West between 59th st. and 61st st. from 9:30am-11:00am on Sunday morning. The press conference, from 10:00-10:30am, will feature a diverse group of seven people telling their personal stories of why they are joining the march. Due to limited space, press must RSVP to media@peoplesclimate.org to attend (a RSVP does not guarantee admission).

Beginning at 10:30am, different groups taking part in the march will host small rallies up and down the march route to fire up their contingents or deliver public statements. At 11:00am labor unions will host a rally with thousands of members just south of Columbus Circle on Broadway.

The march will begin at 11:30 a.m. at Columbus Circle, head east on 59th Street, then south on 6th Ave, west on 42nd Street, and finish at 11th Avenue and West 34th Street. The front of the march is expected to reach the end of the route at about 2:00pm.

At 1:00pm, after a moment of silence to honor those impacted by climate change and the fossil fuel industry, the march will “Sound the Climate Alarm” with drums, trumpets, vuvuzelas, and over 20 marching bands. Churches across the city will ring their bells, as Jewish temples blow their shofars, as part of this global climate chorus calling for action.

The march is the product of months of frenetic organizing. At a pop-office on 42nd St and Madison Avenue, dozens of volunteers are working the phones and laptops late into the night to help with the Get Out The March (GOTM) effort. Student activists report that there are now young people coming in from 320 campuses across the country. In the “Faith Hub,” hundreds of local and national religious institutions, from all backgrounds, are turning out their members for the march.

Across the East River at a three story warehouse in Bushwick, artists, cultural workers, and hundreds of volunteers are churning out banners, placards, puppets, inflatable art pieces, and giant floats that will be pulled by biodiesel vehicles (or by hand) during the march.

“This is the final crunch, the product of six months of work to make the People’s March a big, beautiful expression of the climate movement,” Rachel Schragis, who is helping coordinate the arts hub told the New York Times on Wednesday.



Saturday, September 13, 2014

Share a Spliff Christie, The Kids Want to Go Back!!

Well now, if I had my way I would take this opportunity and re-vamp the whole public school  system to be about gardening, harvesting, cooking, building cob houses and doing lots of eco things.
But I am not. So all I can do is dream and hope that everything works out soon.

Many people are suffering. It's the poor of course. Because some people ...mainly single parents that were using school to help them so they could work and support there kids. And some of those were teachers.

The whole thing is so messed up...because of course those with money just put their kids in private school or went off on vacation.

Now we are neither rich but at the moment I don't consider myself poor. I am working and lucky for me my kid is 12 and so she can fend for herself pretty well while I do work. And lucky for me, I have learned never rely on the system because as soon as you do, it will pull the rug out from under you and you'll be sitting on your ass wonder how that truck hit you!! Do you hear what I am saying.

Angel hasn't been super bored or lonely because she can cope with change. I haven't put her in this routine of mundane repetition for last six years...nope just part of that. Kindergarten, half of grade 4 and then all of grade 6 and what happens, a strike and she doesn't even get a report card.

That said she loves her teacher and wants to go back and see her friends.

Will it happen.. maybe...maybe this is the weekend.

In the meantime I find it hilarious that some guy sent Christie Clark some weed and told her to smoke it with Fassbender and Ready - so they will all chill out and get down to business.

"While the marijuana is an acknowledged stunt, Larsen hopes to get the message to Clark that legalizing and taxing marijuana could boost revenue in the province–enough to further fund education. (And, hey–Vancouver could totally grow some of the cash crop on a downtown rooftop. Just sayin’.) Of course, there is a little laid-back humour in the gift. “I thought if [Clark] could get together with Peter Fassbender, Jim Iker and their negotiating teams to share a joint, it would help break down some barriers and give the BCTF negotiations a fresh start,” he said in a release. The package was delivered Friday morning "

In the states Colorado and Washington are reaping huge benefits from the legalization of pot. When is it going to happen here.

It makes a lot of sense. Anyways get with the program you guys.

I heard from someone that Christie Clark she was going to make a voucher system...where everyone gets a certain amount of cash to raise their kid in private, public or homeschool.

Now I despise Christie Clark and her anti-environment and anti-family ways but I do like the idea of this. Truthfully I would rather just see our school and yard turned into a big garden and kitchen and we feed all the kids and teach them how to grow food and build shelter for themselves.

Anyways these songs are for you Christie, have a happy day. Enjoy your spliff!!

Oh just a little more fun. See how I spelled C.Clark's name... it's like this video and what it says in the beginning. Just felt I need to give a little back of what she had given us. Ha! Ha!!

Friday, September 5, 2014

Disruption- WATCH IT!! Stand Together!! GET READY FOR CHANGE!

Blog post by Tina Winterlik © 2014
http://twitter.com/#!/zipolita @zipolita
http://gplus.to/zipolita Google+

Climate Disruption is a Social Justice Issue!!

We need Justice!! NOW!

We will not go home and be quiet...we will go home and ORGANIZE!! TO RISE TO OUR HISTORICAL MOMENT!!

We are facing a tipping point! 

Inaction is putting us on a crash course for destruction!!



"This is the story of our unique moment in history. We are living through an age of tipping points and rapid social and planetary change. 

We’re the first generation to feel the impacts of climate disruption, and the last generation that can do something about it. 

The film enlarges the issue beyond climate impacts and makes a compelling call for bold action that is strong enough to tip the balance to build a clean energy future."

Disruption - Official Trailer from Watch Disruption on Vimeo.

Millions of people will come together!! Will you stand with us!!

If you would also please visit my website and blog called "the Changerz" 

We are "The Changerz" We MUST BE...who else will save our planet if we don't? Lots of fabulous ideas & solutions here.

Don't for to get ready for PEOPLE'S CLIMATE MARCH


This is an invitation to change everything.

In September, world leaders are coming to New York City for a UN summit on the climate crisis. UN Secretary­ General Ban Ki-­moon is urging governments to support an ambitious global agreement to dramatically reduce global warming pollution.

With our future on the line and the whole world watching, we’ll take a stand to bend the course of history. We’ll take to the streets to demand the world we know is within our reach: a world with an economy that works for people and the planet; a world safe from the ravages of climate change; a world with good jobs, clean air and water, and healthy communities.

To change everything, we need everyone on board.

Sunday, September 21 in New York City. Join us. http://peoplesclimate.org/march/#top

Connect and Share


Monday, September 1, 2014

Homelessness Must Stop!!

Blog post by Tina Winterlik © 2014
http://twitter.com/#!/zipolita @zipolita
http://gplus.to/zipolita Google+

Let's build Tiny Houses for Everyone!! :D We need more gardens and little homes for people to live peacefully and grow their own food and know their neighbours and where to get goods they need. This system is definitely not working and it's got to STOP!!


Lots of Super Creative Ideas on the Changerz Facebook page. Check it out! https://www.facebook.com/thechangerz


Thursday, August 7, 2014

Warrior Women, Mount Polley & Mother Earth's Rights

 PLEASE LISTEN AND SHARE!! This is a VERY IMPORTANT broadcast and it should be heard and shared so everyone can understand the disastrous effects of the the situation. With one of the biggest runs of salmon ever to come and to have this happen...WAKE UP PEOPLE!! WHAT HAVE YOU DONE TO THE GREAT MOTHER EARTH.

Mount Polley breach: What Thursday’s tailings test won’t tell you

Imperial Metals...the Mother has been trying to provide for us and you have pissed toxins all over her. SHAME!! Shame on you for the grief, sickness, deaths that will occur because of this.  You probably were just doing your job, but you knew...and now look what has happened. We are all guilty...

As the sisters in this video, the Women Warriors stand and sing their War Cry together, so must ALL OF US, STAND UP WITH THEM   http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Secwepemc


Published on Oct 8, 2013

gah-sad-sdanh-se-ra is a Kanienkeha:ka (Mohawk) word that means 
Strength in Unity. 

This short documentary details contemporary Indigenous resistance to tar sands pipeline expansion, in particular the Line 9 and Energy East pipelines, which threaten the health of our territories in the northeast of Turtle Island. It includes the voices and perspectives of Dene, Wolastiqiyik, Mi'kmaq, Anishinaabe, Haudenosaunee and Wet'suwet'en land defenders.



Law of the Rights of Mother Earth 

(Spanish: Ley de Derechos de la Madre Tierra) is a Bolivian law (Law 071 of the Plurinational State), that was passed by Bolivia's Plurinational Legislative Assembly in December 2010.[1][2] This 10 article law is derived from the first part of a longer draft bill, drafted and released by the Pact of Unity by November 2010.[3] The full bill remains on the country's legislative agenda. The law defines Mother Earth as "a collective subject of public interest," and declares both Mother Earth and life-systems (which combine human communities and ecosytems) as titleholders of inherent rights specified in the law.[4] The short law proclaims the creation of the Defensoría de la Madre Tierra a counterpart to the human rights ombudsman office known as the Defensoría del Pueblo, but leaves its structuring and creation to future legislation

The law defines Mother Earth as "...the dynamic living system formed by the indivisible community of all life systems and living beings whom are interrelated, interdependent, and complementary, which share a common destiny; adding that "Mother Earth is considered sacred in the worldview of Indigenous peoples and nations.[6]

In this approach human beings and their communities are considered a part of mother earth, by being integrated in "Life systems" defined as "...complex and dynamic communities of plants, animals, micro-organisms and other beings in their environment, in which human communities and the rest of nature interact as a functional unit, under the influence of climatic, physiographic and geologic factors, as well as the productive practices and cultural diversity of Bolivians of both genders, and the world views of Indigenous nations and peoples, intercultural communities and the Afro-Bolivians.[7] This definition can be seen as a more inclusive definition of ecosystems because it explicitly includes the social, cultural and economic dimensions of human communities.

The law also establishes the juridical character of Mother Earth as "collective subject of public interest", to ensure the exercise and protection of her rights. By giving Mother Earth a legal personality, it can, through its representatives (humans), bring an action to defend its rights. Additionally, to say that Mother Earth is of public interest represents a major shift from an anthropocentric perspective to a more Earth community based perspective.[8]

Monday, July 28, 2014

History Wiped Out

Blog post by Tina Winterlik © 2014
http://twitter.com/#!/zipolita @zipolita
http://gplus.to/zipolita Google+

Please Watch and Share this video!! Please Share this information 

Devastation and Prayer at the Last Tar Sands Healing Walk 

At the fifth and final Tar Sands Healing Walk, indigenous communities on the front-lines of tar sands extraction lead a spiritual march through a landscape of poisonous lakes, dead earth, open-pit mines, and refineries


"History Wiped Out by Syncrue... " :( 

"Tarsands are probably illegal"


And share this article too! 

The West wants out


Wednesday, July 16, 2014


Blog post by Tina Winterlik © 2014
http://twitter.com/#!/zipolita @zipolita
http://gplus.to/zipolita Google+

Updated: 2014-08-23
Sadly CP destroyed many gardens. :(

I will cry too if they destroy the gardens. I saw a man in a yellow vest there today, I was passing...I can not bare to think what will happen to all those gorgeous gardens. WHY???

Here is the province report, I was annoyed with the video from Global, it only showed bricks and grass and really made the tracks look awful instead of focusing on the gorgeous gardens like my video.

 Seriously gardens like this are the doctors of the community, they keep things calm and beautiful. They make people happy. We need these especially here in the big city with so much poverty and stress. http://www.theprovince.com/life/Deadline+Rail+ready+raze+community+gardens+Arbutus+corridor/10080407/story.html

I made this video today July 30 2014, one day before the CPR threaten to take action. PLEASE HELP IN ANY WAY YOU CAN! Look at these beautiful gardens, they provide such peace and tranquility to the neighbourhood. We DO NOT WANT TRAINS IN THE NEIGHBOURHOOD! This is issue is more than the gardens. Stand up and say "No!" Save the Gardens!! Sign the Petition and start a conversation, we need swift action!!  Share this video widely!


So very very sad...I feel like crying. I am so sad but so scared and upset, I don't want trains running on those tracks, it's a terrible criminal idea. Please someone needs to buy that land.

With people paying $1million for a house...there must be a way to get that land...it is a real opportunity here...What can be done??

I have been tweeting and trying to find help as best I can. I was away last week celebrating my daughters birthday. We will be devastated it they destroy the gardens.

I guess all we can do is pray for miracles and meditate that a positive solution is found quickly.
SPREAD THE WORD!! Just try...it's all I ask...all I can do about it is blog and share...what can you do?


Arbutus gardeners hold final party before CP Rail deadline


Vancouver, CP Rail far apart on value of Arbutus rail corridor


CPR Update for July 17


Sign Petition


I have a great idea. Let's tweet flowers from the gardens, every hours...or more.

Use the hashtags

#savethegardens #cpr #vancouver @MayorGregor @RonFinleyHQ


Ron Finley: A guerilla gardener in South Central LA 


Let's ask Ron Finley to help...We need everyone to help. 

Gardening is our graffitti...

We have to make a GREAT BIG FUSS RIGHT NOW!! There is hardly any time left!! PLEASE! Share and Take Action!! 


I don't understand, instead of embracing the gardens and seeing the value they are going to destroy it all. But I guess that's all part of the big plan, to disable people at the lowest level...their food. Because if you take away there food then they have to buy it somewhere and that's where we are a food dependent nation.

Instead of having gardens in every yard and park and field and school, we had to resort to along the tracks and now the CPR is going to come in and destroy it all.

First thing we must consider is the trains will be bringing all sorts of horrible toxic dangerous items through the communities, right now we are blinded by the gardens but this is the bigger issue.

We really need to unite on this and time is running out.

This is a lovely garden my daughter and I worked on when we went Woofing.

Community Garden we visited in Duncan

Here are some related news story!!




Dear Greenest City-- Here's some ideas for you!!

Let's build Green Schools everywhere. 