Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Plan a Symposium for EARTH DAY 2011

Blog post by Tina Winterlik © 2011


This EARTH DAY, LET'S DO SOMETHING SUPER COOL & EXCITING!! Let's plan to host or attend a symposium. Here's how!

This is quoted from the Awakening the Dreamer Website

A Call to Action

Every April 22 for the last 40 years, individuals and organizations from around the world have been inspired to demonstrate their commitment to environmental protection and sustainability by uniting to celebrate Earth Day.

So what is possible in YOUR community this Earth Day, 2011?

Plan a Symposium on Earth Day

Wouldn’t it be great if together we engaged over 5,000 people with the message of the Awakening the Dreamer, Changing the Dream Symposium on the SAME day?

You are likely (hopefully), faced with many options on what to do, but if you are inspired to play a part in this vision, call on your fellow Facilitators and plan a Symposium now

And if you already have an event, consider using the attention of Earth Day to show the ATD-CTD Trailer and/or the Four Years Go video and encourage people to find a Symposium near them soon. You may just open doors for Symposiums to be delivered to groups you never thought you had access to!

Plan an Earth Day Symposium

Earth Day
Plan A Symposium

Register your Earth Day Symposium

So let’s play! Register your Earth Day Symposium on our new mapping tool, so we can all see Symposiums that will take place all around the world on Earth Day.

You can also share a comment below about your Symposium to connect with Facilitators worldwide!

Thanks for all you do on Earth Day and EVERY day!

Host a Symposium or Attend a Symposium - For Earth Day 2011

Plan or Attend a Symposium

Host a Symposium

1 comment:

  1. Hi Tina, Happy Mother Earth Day! Truly every day is earth day, but I understand why we have a World Earth Day for earth consciousness and the awareness of conservation. Sustainable resources are what we need for sure. I use to offer my organic artwork at the Balboa Park Earth Fair as part of that sustainable market. I love the earth and continue to help others return to it with earth medicine. Food for the soul, food for earth. Many blessing for our earth mother. With deep respect, Daniel out and about with nature!


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