Saturday, April 25, 2015

Prayers for Nepal

There has been a terrible earthquake in Nepal. My prayers go out for all the people there and all the loved ones worried about them.  I pray hard for their safety and that aid can get to them quickly.

Reports coming in say now that the death toll is about 1500 but we will see as this sad day continues.

You can light a virtual candle and say a prayer here - Humanity's team set this up.

The 7.8 magnitude earthquake leveled buildings mostly in the historic section of Kathmandu, including the landmark nine-story Dharahara Tower, which was reduced to rubble with many people still inside. The tower, built in 1832, is one of the biggest tourist attractions in the city and one of the most prominent buildings destroyed by Saturday's earthquake. As many as 250 people are thought to have been inside when the quake hit, according to Al Jazeera.

From Mashable here is how to help

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