Wednesday, October 16, 2024

Why I Always Vote Green, and Why You Should Keep the Faith in Change

Why I Always Vote Green, and Why You Should Keep the Faith in Change

In a world that seems increasingly divided and uncertain, it can be easy to feel disillusioned with politics. We've all seen promises broken, priorities skewed, and decisions made that favor special interests over the public good. Despite this, I still vote Green every time, and here's why.

Staying True to My Values

The Green Party represents values that I hold close—sustainability, social justice, and ethical governance. Even though they often don't win, voting Green allows me to stay true to my beliefs. Voting for the environment and for a system that prioritizes people over profits matters deeply to me, and I believe every Green vote is a statement that these issues can't be ignored.

We Did Have a Green-DP Coalition

It’s important to remember that we did make history with a Green-DP coalition in British Columbia in 2017. The Green Party, though small, played a crucial role in holding the balance of power and pushing for key policies on climate action, electoral reform, and Indigenous rights. This moment showed that with perseverance, even a smaller party can influence the bigger picture. If we give up on voting for what we believe in, we risk losing that influence.

Good Can Still Conquer Bad

It’s easy to be cynical. But I hold onto hope because I believe that good can still conquer the bad. We've seen it in grassroots movements, in communities coming together for change, and in the small but significant victories Greens have achieved—whether it's fighting pipelines, advocating for affordable housing, or speaking up for a future that works for everyone, not just the wealthy few.

Change might seem slow, but it starts with each of us. Every Green vote counts. It might not always result in a win, but it sends a powerful message that people care about a sustainable, fair, and just future. We need to keep voting, keep talking, and most of all, keep believing that good governance is possible.

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