Friday, October 4, 2024

Your conduct in Parliament is a disgrace

Dear Representatives,

Your conduct in Parliament is a disgrace. While you engage in political games, thousands of Canadians are struggling to survive, and your neglect is not only shameful but cruel. People are hungry, homeless, and desperate, yet you play power games, sacrificing the very fabric of our society for selfish political gain. Your inaction and deliberate delays come at the cost of real human suffering. The fact that Parliament is gridlocked over your squabbles while families go without food, shelter, and basic necessities is beyond unacceptable.

Every day you go home to your comfortable homes, and somehow, you sleep at night knowing that you are failing those who need you most. How do you look your families in the eye knowing that your choices are causing harm? You are paid to represent us, yet instead, you choose self-interest and petty power struggles. The shame is yours.

This is not governance. This is a betrayal of the trust placed in you by the public. Canadians deserve leaders who put humanity before partisanship, who work tirelessly to solve problems, not exacerbate them. Stop the games, and do your job. Real people are suffering while you indulge in political maneuvering. It's time to grow up, take responsibility, and start governing with integrity, compassion, and a commitment to the common good.

Sincerely, A Canadian citizen who is tired of your selfish games

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