Friday, July 26, 2024

Why I’m Considering Quitting


The Frustration with Instagram's Algorithms: Why I’m Considering Quitting

I’ve had it with Instagram and similar platforms like Google and Facebook. Despite all their advanced technology and algorithms, they can’t seem to tackle the simplest issues, like spam accounts. Instead, they end up penalizing legitimate users. Here's what happened to me recently:

Determined to clean up my feed, I spent a good amount of time reporting and blocking a slew of obviously fake accounts. You’d think this would improve my experience, right? Wrong. Instead of addressing the spam problem, Instagram decided to remove two of my videos, citing copyright infringement. The kicker? These were videos I created using music from Instagram’s own music library.

It's baffling and infuriating that while these platforms can’t seem to identify and block sexbots, they’re quick to penalize content creators who follow their rules. It makes me wonder if these platforms are managed by people who are too busy enjoying their success to address these critical issues.

This inconsistency and lack of support make it very tempting to walk away from these platforms entirely. I’m curious—has anyone else experienced this kind of frustration? What did you do about it? Share your thoughts and let’s start a conversation about the need for better support and fair treatment for content creators.

Tuesday, July 16, 2024

San Cristobal's Highland Song

 San Cristobal's Highland Song

by Tina Winterlik with help of AI

From the Blog Adventurez in Mexico

In a valley of pines, colonial charm,

San Cristobal rests, free from harm.

Cobbled streets, markets grand,

Zocalo's gazebo, where dreams expand.

My first cappuccino, '90's delight,

Love for San Cristobal, burning bright.

Tzotzil, Tzeltal, cultures thrive,

Indigenous spirit, stories alive.

Lonely Planet's guide, a traveler's aid,

Na Bolom's legacy, memories made.

Trudy Blom's Jaguar House,

Protecting Lacandon, silent vows.

Gertrude Duby-Blom, a legend's grace,

Captured lives, a photographic embrace.

Palenque, Tonina, Chinkuitic's call,

Mayan echoes, ancient walls.

San Cristobal, a poet's verse,

Highland whispers, blessings rehearsed.

Explore, discover, history's trail,

In its heart, stories prevail.

San Cristobal's Charm

 San Cristobal's Charm

by Tina Winterlik with help of AI

From the Blog Adventurez in Mexico

San Cristobal, a town of grace,

Since '90, it's found its pace.

Le Gite de Sol, our resting place,

Posada, B&B, hostel embrace.

Dorm rooms, simple yet snug,

Warm blankets, clean as a rug.

At first, a cell, then cozy embrace,

Internet link, a virtual chase.

Staff like family, hearts entwine,

Quebecois-Mexican, languages combine.

French, English, Spanish blend,

Rusty tongues, conversations mend.

Markets burst, embroidered delights,

Blouses, dresses, souvenirs take flight.

Mother and child, crafts so fine,

Support the makers, hearts align.

Budgeted dollars, a shopping spree,

Keepsakes rich, memories free.

Zocalo's call, cappuccino's sigh,

People-watching under sky.

Music whispers, a soothing balm,

San Cristobal, a tranquil psalm.

Explore, indulge, a day's retreat,

In its charm, life's rhythms meet.