Thursday, September 12, 2024

I Can Make You Famous

"I Can Make You Famous, But Do You Really Want to Be?"

When you look at my social media, you might think, "She doesn't have any followers." But that's a choice I made. I know how to get followers, promote content, and yes, I can make you famous. The question is: do you *really* want it?

From my many years on the web, here's what I've learned: fame isn't all glitz and glam. The moment you gain a large following, a certain percentage of those people will be trolls or critics—individuals who disagree with your opinions, dislike your looks, or disapprove of your lifestyle. And they won't hesitate to tell you. Hate mail, trolling, harassment—these are realities of life online. 

So, ask yourself: is your mind ready to handle abuse? Because the internet and social media are like the wild west—unruly, untamed, and unpredictable. Only now, after years of suffering, are laws being crafted to protect people. Much remains to be done. In the early days, we had no policies; even blocking came much later. Many young people today take these tools for granted, but remember—the web is much darker than it seems, and we are still learning how to navigate it.

However, if you're determined to be in the spotlight and want someone experienced to put all the right policies in place, manage your promotions, and help you build your brand safely, hire me. I’ve learned to wield the power of social media wisely, and I have a deep respect for the medium—and for anyone willing to dive into it. Anyone you choose to work with should have that same respect and understanding.

If you’re ready, I won’t let you down. But remember, fame has a price—are you prepared to pay it?

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