Monday, July 15, 2024

Between Two Worlds: An Indigenous Wanderer'Z Song

```I asked AI if they could help me rewrite Stings song for fun but add my words and came back with this, which I thought was pretty hilariously creepy and weird but I like it. It was fast and helpful and fun. 


Sure, we can definitely create a new version of Sting's "Englishman in New York" that fits your story. Here's the original chorus and a verse from the song for reference:


I'm an alien, I'm a legal alien

I'm an Englishman in New York




I don't drink coffee, I take tea, my dear

I like my toast done on one side

And you can hear it in my accent when I talk

I'm an Englishman in New York


Now, let's transform these lyrics to reflect your story about being a Canadian with a deep love for Mexico and your experiences


I'm Indigenous, but I'm legal as Canadian

I'm a wanderer in Mexico




I love the markets and the street food here

I dream in Spanish every night

And you can feel it in my heart when I talk

I'm a wanderer in Mexico

Full Song:

Verse 1:

I love the markets and the street food here  

I dream in Spanish every night  

And you can feel it in my heart when I talk  

I'm a wanderer in Mexico


I'm Indigenous, but I'm legal as Canadian  

I'm a wanderer in Mexico  

I'm Indigenous, but I'm legal as Canadian  

I'm a wanderer in Mexico

Verse 2:

Spent my days in Oaxaca and the coast  

Covid years were long but sweet  

I find my peace in the Mexican sun  

But my home still calls to me


I'm Indigenous, but I'm legal as Canadian  

I'm a wanderer in Mexico  

I'm Indigenous, but I'm legal as Canadian  

I'm a wanderer in Mexico


Living in between two worlds  

Canada's cold, Mexico's warm  

At sixty-two, I still chase dreams  

A life's journey, so it seems

Verse 3:

I can’t work here, I’m not legal in this land  

Didn't marry, can't get residency  

But Mexico's rhythm is in my soul  

In Canada, it's hard to be


I'm Indigenous, but I'm legal as Canadian  

I'm a wanderer in Mexico  

I'm Indigenous, but I'm legal as Canadian  

I'm a wanderer in Mexico


I'll keep wandering, I'll keep dreaming  

Between the lands, my heart's divided  

But wherever I may roam  

I carry both lands as my home

Photo Credit: Tina Winterlik

Photo Credit: Tina Winterlik

Photo Credit: Tina Winterlik

Photo Credit: Tina Winterlik

Photo Credit: Tina Winterlik

Photo Credit: Tina Winterlik

Photo Credit: Tina Winterlik

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