Monday, July 15, 2024

Reconnecting and Rebuilding- New BlogZ

 Reconnecting and Rebuilding: Introducing Zipolita'z NewZ and Zipolita'z Poemz

Hello everyone,

It's been a while since I last wrote here, and I feel it's time to share what's been going on and why you might not have seen much from me lately. For those who have followed my journey, you know that my blogs have always been a space for truth, activism, and sharing the beauty of life.

However, things changed significantly over the past few years. The political climate became increasingly tense, and I found myself stepping back from the media spotlight. It felt unsafe to share my thoughts and stories as openly as before. When Covid hit, it only added to the sense of uncertainty and vulnerability.

During this time, I focused on spreading positivity through my Instagram, posting happy and uplifting content to keep spirits high. But I didn't blog as much, and when I tried Googling my blogs recently, I noticed they aren't coming up in search results as they used to. It feels like I might have been shadow banned or that my content is somehow being suppressed. It's strange and frustrating, especially when my intention has always been to share meaningful and inspiring content.

Despite these challenges, I've decided it's time to reconnect and rebuild. I'm excited to announce two new blogs that reflect my passions and my journey:

Zipolita'z NewZ: This blog is dedicated to providing honest, uncensored news and insights. In a world where misinformation is rampant, I aim to share the truth and highlight stories that matter. Whether it's social justice, environmental issues, or personal experiences, Zipolita'z NewZ  https://zipolitaznewz.blogspot.comwill be a space for raw and real content.

Zipolita'z Poemz  : Poetry has always been a powerful way to express emotions and capture moments in time. This blog will be my creative outlet, where I share poems inspired by my life, travels, and the world around me. It's a space for reflection, inspiration, and connection through words.

I hope you'll join me on this new journey. Your support means the world to me, and I look forward to sharing more with you through these new platforms. Let's continue to spread positivity, truth, and creativity together.

Thank you for being a part of my community.

With love and gratitude,

Zipolita (Tina Winterlik)

Photo Credit: Tina Winterlik

Photo Credit: Tina Winterlik

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