Friday, July 8, 2011

A Ton of MakeUp

Blog post by Tina Winterlik © 2011 

Well this is really a weird little video but it's Friday, so let's have some fun!

I don't wear makeup anymore, I did when I was younger and I was caught in all that. I stopped wearing foundation when I heard a radio show explaining how many of the chemicals used caused cancer, gradually I just stopped wearing all of it.

When we were in Mexico, what is the point as you sweat so much it all comes off and definitely not wise to mix makeup and the hot sun, so I guess that's another reason how I stopped. Check out this girls face as they add 365 layers of makeup in one day. At the end it's just dripping off. Pretty gross!!

I don't know what it says here (I can guess at it quite well though)but wanted to credit the people who made this film so I am posting it.

Repubblica Tv - Due creativi olandesi, Lernert & Sander, hanno girato un video per evidenziare gli eccessi del trucco nella società odierna. Per farlo hanno steso in un solo giorno - nove ore di lavoro non-stop complessive - 365 strati di trucco sul viso della super modella belga Hannelore Knuts. Riuscendo così a mostrare in pochi minuti di filmato "quanto serve per passare da un look naturale a uno scandaloso". Mentre le applicavano il "super make up" la Knuts ha mangiato
attraverso una cannuccia solo cibi liquidi. Prima di sottoporla a tale stress i due olandesi hanno sperimentato cento strati di trucco su un uomo: "Una prova che non ha ucciso il nostro collaboratore - hanno dichiarato - Quindi abbiamo pensato che anche con Hannelore tutto
sarebbe andato bene".

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