Thursday, September 3, 2015

Canada FAIL! I am so sorry Aylan.

With the horrific images in the news today we are faced with many emotions.
First you feel like "Don't Look!" and you want to turn. But you must, we must face this.

Our country rejected Aylan and his family and many more. The conservatives have put so many new rules and made things so difficult the people can't make it through the system. Could YOU?

Who could? If a war broke out, who the hell has time for paperwork when all your friends and neighbours and families are being would you cope.

If you had no food, shelter, water, ....if you child was scared...and you could offer no comfort because you were scared too...what would you do?

How Can We Help?
Supposedly the governments are supposed to take care of these things but obviously it's not working. Governments are just people. We are the people. What can we do? What can I do...I am not in a position to give money or even advice but I can share this.

I can help you realize that these are people. They are not animals. They are not just something happening in a far off place, we need to help...

#shame #Canada #Conservatives #refugees #Calais #Syria #Britain #Africa #help #crisis #Climate #poverty #CallforChange #DoSomething #StopTheMadness^google|twcamp^serp|twgr^search

His name was Aylan. He was 3 years old. He drowned at sea with his parents and his 5 year old brother, Galip. They fled from violence, oppression and poverty and tried to reach Europe. They symbolise the desperation of thousands.

This is how he should have been lying tonight. Safe. Warm. Alive.

God bless this poor little cherub, let him sleep with the angels tonight. May his parent somehow survive there grief and loss, not of just one beautiful child but of two, as his brother drowned also.
RIP beautiful boy. You DESERVED SO MUCH MORE!!

I am so sad this world has failed you! Emotions overwelm me as I write this post, it is very difficult to share these disturbing images. I pray that there can be change, enlightenment, empathy and that this madness will end.


 Calais Migrants- Life in the Jungle- WATCH TO UNDERSTAND
Away from the chaotic scenes on Calais's motorways and ports, the migrant camp known as the 'new Jungle' is growing fast and showing signs of becoming a permanent fixture. The Guardian spent three weeks following the lives of a few of its 3,000 residents, rare in-depth access that reveals a growing human cost of the crisis, and the challenges facing refugees and migrants trying to reach Britain

Aylan Kurdi: Canadian immigration minister suspends election campaign to investigate why Syrian family's refugee application was refused

17 Heartbreaking Cartoons From Artists All Over The World Mourning The Drowned Syrian Boy

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