Friday, July 26, 2024

Why I’m Considering Quitting


The Frustration with Instagram's Algorithms: Why I’m Considering Quitting

I’ve had it with Instagram and similar platforms like Google and Facebook. Despite all their advanced technology and algorithms, they can’t seem to tackle the simplest issues, like spam accounts. Instead, they end up penalizing legitimate users. Here's what happened to me recently:

Determined to clean up my feed, I spent a good amount of time reporting and blocking a slew of obviously fake accounts. You’d think this would improve my experience, right? Wrong. Instead of addressing the spam problem, Instagram decided to remove two of my videos, citing copyright infringement. The kicker? These were videos I created using music from Instagram’s own music library.

It's baffling and infuriating that while these platforms can’t seem to identify and block sexbots, they’re quick to penalize content creators who follow their rules. It makes me wonder if these platforms are managed by people who are too busy enjoying their success to address these critical issues.

This inconsistency and lack of support make it very tempting to walk away from these platforms entirely. I’m curious—has anyone else experienced this kind of frustration? What did you do about it? Share your thoughts and let’s start a conversation about the need for better support and fair treatment for content creators.

Tuesday, July 16, 2024

San Cristobal's Highland Song

 San Cristobal's Highland Song

by Tina Winterlik with help of AI

From the Blog Adventurez in Mexico

In a valley of pines, colonial charm,

San Cristobal rests, free from harm.

Cobbled streets, markets grand,

Zocalo's gazebo, where dreams expand.

My first cappuccino, '90's delight,

Love for San Cristobal, burning bright.

Tzotzil, Tzeltal, cultures thrive,

Indigenous spirit, stories alive.

Lonely Planet's guide, a traveler's aid,

Na Bolom's legacy, memories made.

Trudy Blom's Jaguar House,

Protecting Lacandon, silent vows.

Gertrude Duby-Blom, a legend's grace,

Captured lives, a photographic embrace.

Palenque, Tonina, Chinkuitic's call,

Mayan echoes, ancient walls.

San Cristobal, a poet's verse,

Highland whispers, blessings rehearsed.

Explore, discover, history's trail,

In its heart, stories prevail.

San Cristobal's Charm

 San Cristobal's Charm

by Tina Winterlik with help of AI

From the Blog Adventurez in Mexico

San Cristobal, a town of grace,

Since '90, it's found its pace.

Le Gite de Sol, our resting place,

Posada, B&B, hostel embrace.

Dorm rooms, simple yet snug,

Warm blankets, clean as a rug.

At first, a cell, then cozy embrace,

Internet link, a virtual chase.

Staff like family, hearts entwine,

Quebecois-Mexican, languages combine.

French, English, Spanish blend,

Rusty tongues, conversations mend.

Markets burst, embroidered delights,

Blouses, dresses, souvenirs take flight.

Mother and child, crafts so fine,

Support the makers, hearts align.

Budgeted dollars, a shopping spree,

Keepsakes rich, memories free.

Zocalo's call, cappuccino's sigh,

People-watching under sky.

Music whispers, a soothing balm,

San Cristobal, a tranquil psalm.

Explore, indulge, a day's retreat,

In its charm, life's rhythms meet.

Zipolite's Embrace

 Zipolite's Embrace

by Tina Winterlik with help of AI

From the Blog Adventurez in Mexico

In Oaxaca's heart, Zipolite lies,

With crashing surf and tranquil skies.

A laid-back haven by the sea,

A perfect place to simply be.

International souls gather here,

For days, weeks, months, they hold dear.

Locals lovely, warm and kind,

A gentle peace you'll surely find.

Always something, yet nothing much,

A mellow rhythm, a soothing touch.

Visit Shambhala, taste the fare,

Views that take you everywhere.

Don't miss Meditation Loma's crest,

Sunset paints the sky its best.

Zipolite calls, with calm and grace,

A sanctuary, a peaceful space.

Travel Tips and Respect

Travel Tips and Respect

by Tina Winterlik with help of AI

From the Blog Adventurez in Mexico

Tips from Lonely Planet, I’ve made my own,

Travel wisely, reap what you’ve sown.

Go overland, buses, not planes,

Mexico’s buses, the best of gains.

Better than Greyhound, service supreme,

Ticketing and security, a traveler's dream.

Give right, buy from small stores,

Spread the wealth, open doors.

Donate to schools, clinics in need,

Avoid handouts, stop the begging seed.

Buy local, eat where locals dine,

Small stores, markets, where cultures shine.

Use cold showers, conserve the heat,

Respect the earth, keep travels neat.

Pick up litter, pack in, pack out,

Leave no trace, that’s what it’s about.

Be respectful, traditions hold,

Appropriate attire, respect the old.

Ask questions, learn the ways,

Avoid mistakes other tourists make each day.

Customs guide, culture shares,

A world of wisdom, if one dares.

Helpful links, for those who seek,

Eco-tourism, where virtues speak.

From eco-index to tourism concern,

A sustainable path, for all to learn.

Travel with care, respect in stride,

Explore the world, with wisdom as your guide.

Journey to Fluency

by Tina Winterlik with help of AI

From the Blog Adventurez in Mexico

 Journey to Fluency

I'd love to take this course, it's true,

Nintendo's Spanish failed, reviews so blue.

My Spanish works, but jokes slip by,

Subtle chats, they pass, I sigh.

To improve my Spanish, a heartfelt aim,

My daughter first resisted, felt the strain.

"Stop speaking Spanish," she'd loudly plea,

Frustration faded, in play she'd see.

Kids' tongues are quick, they grasp with ease,

Her pronunciation, better than me, she'd tease.

Six months felt long for a child so young,

But immersion helps, songs unsung.

Living where Spanish leads the way,

Best for growth, come what may.

But English speakers often surround,

Total immersion, harder found.

A verb book aids, a dictionary too,

We managed fine, without a clue.

My Spanish rusty, yet kind hearts shine,

Mexican patience, a lifeline.

Long bus rides, my Spanish grew,

Forced to speak, to push on through.

Shyness fades, mistakes we bear,

Kids learn quick, no time to spare.

Immerse your child, let them thrive,

In languages, their future's alive.

For them, it's easy, a game, a play,

A gift for life, in every way.

Misol-Ha's Embrace

 Misol-Ha's Embrace

by Tina Winterlik with help of AI

Twenty kilometers from Palenque's door,

Misol-Ha awaits with a majestic roar.

A tour to remember, Agua Clara, Agua Azul,

And Misol-Ha, where our hearts grew full.

What excitement, what a thrill,

To stand beneath the waterfall's chill.

An experience grand, an awe-filled sight,

Water's power, nature's might.

Teaching children through beauty's lens,

The force of water, the lessons it sends.

Green vegetation, lush and pure,

A natural wonder, a timeless allure.

We had a wonderful time, a memory so clear,

Misol-Ha's embrace, forever dear.

A journey of joy, of learning, of grace,

In Misol-Ha's presence, we found our place.

Agua Azul's Melody

Agua Azul's Melody

by Tina Winterlik with help of AI

From the Blog Adventurez in Mexico

Breathtaking turquoise falls,

Memorizing any child, anyone at all.

A testament to water's power,

A lesson in nature's gentle hour.

Surrounded by jungle, green and lush,

Vendors now fill the quiet hush.

Since '90, much has changed,

Respect the locals, it's not too strange.

No photos without their grace,

A simple rule in this sacred place.

Angel played in waters cold,

Careful near falls, the stories told.

People drown, so heed the stream,

Swim downstream, let safety gleam.

Watch your bags, be aware,

But love this place, feel the air.

Three times I've felt its change,

Each visit, life's rearrange.

Life-changing moments in turquoise hue,

A bond with nature, forever true.

Nearby Agua Clara, turquoise lake,

A step back in time, a moment to take.

Less developed, a timeless feel,

What Agua Azul was, a dream so real.

Tours may stop, I cannot say,

But in our hearts, it's here to stay.

Kids with treats, a sweet exchange,

We shared fairies, mermaids, a range.

In Agua Azul's embrace we found,

A world where nature's songs abound.

Respect, joy, and lessons clear,

A place of wonder, always near.

Monday, July 15, 2024

Reconnecting and Rebuilding- New BlogZ

 Reconnecting and Rebuilding: Introducing Zipolita'z NewZ and Zipolita'z Poemz

Hello everyone,

It's been a while since I last wrote here, and I feel it's time to share what's been going on and why you might not have seen much from me lately. For those who have followed my journey, you know that my blogs have always been a space for truth, activism, and sharing the beauty of life.

However, things changed significantly over the past few years. The political climate became increasingly tense, and I found myself stepping back from the media spotlight. It felt unsafe to share my thoughts and stories as openly as before. When Covid hit, it only added to the sense of uncertainty and vulnerability.

During this time, I focused on spreading positivity through my Instagram, posting happy and uplifting content to keep spirits high. But I didn't blog as much, and when I tried Googling my blogs recently, I noticed they aren't coming up in search results as they used to. It feels like I might have been shadow banned or that my content is somehow being suppressed. It's strange and frustrating, especially when my intention has always been to share meaningful and inspiring content.

Despite these challenges, I've decided it's time to reconnect and rebuild. I'm excited to announce two new blogs that reflect my passions and my journey:

Zipolita'z NewZ: This blog is dedicated to providing honest, uncensored news and insights. In a world where misinformation is rampant, I aim to share the truth and highlight stories that matter. Whether it's social justice, environmental issues, or personal experiences, Zipolita'z NewZ  https://zipolitaznewz.blogspot.comwill be a space for raw and real content.

Zipolita'z Poemz  : Poetry has always been a powerful way to express emotions and capture moments in time. This blog will be my creative outlet, where I share poems inspired by my life, travels, and the world around me. It's a space for reflection, inspiration, and connection through words.

I hope you'll join me on this new journey. Your support means the world to me, and I look forward to sharing more with you through these new platforms. Let's continue to spread positivity, truth, and creativity together.

Thank you for being a part of my community.

With love and gratitude,

Zipolita (Tina Winterlik)

Photo Credit: Tina Winterlik

Photo Credit: Tina Winterlik

Between Two Worlds: An Indigenous Wanderer'Z Song

```I asked AI if they could help me rewrite Stings song for fun but add my words and came back with this, which I thought was pretty hilariously creepy and weird but I like it. It was fast and helpful and fun. 


Sure, we can definitely create a new version of Sting's "Englishman in New York" that fits your story. Here's the original chorus and a verse from the song for reference:


I'm an alien, I'm a legal alien

I'm an Englishman in New York




I don't drink coffee, I take tea, my dear

I like my toast done on one side

And you can hear it in my accent when I talk

I'm an Englishman in New York


Now, let's transform these lyrics to reflect your story about being a Canadian with a deep love for Mexico and your experiences


I'm Indigenous, but I'm legal as Canadian

I'm a wanderer in Mexico




I love the markets and the street food here

I dream in Spanish every night

And you can feel it in my heart when I talk

I'm a wanderer in Mexico

Full Song:

Verse 1:

I love the markets and the street food here  

I dream in Spanish every night  

And you can feel it in my heart when I talk  

I'm a wanderer in Mexico


I'm Indigenous, but I'm legal as Canadian  

I'm a wanderer in Mexico  

I'm Indigenous, but I'm legal as Canadian  

I'm a wanderer in Mexico

Verse 2:

Spent my days in Oaxaca and the coast  

Covid years were long but sweet  

I find my peace in the Mexican sun  

But my home still calls to me


I'm Indigenous, but I'm legal as Canadian  

I'm a wanderer in Mexico  

I'm Indigenous, but I'm legal as Canadian  

I'm a wanderer in Mexico


Living in between two worlds  

Canada's cold, Mexico's warm  

At sixty-two, I still chase dreams  

A life's journey, so it seems

Verse 3:

I can’t work here, I’m not legal in this land  

Didn't marry, can't get residency  

But Mexico's rhythm is in my soul  

In Canada, it's hard to be


I'm Indigenous, but I'm legal as Canadian  

I'm a wanderer in Mexico  

I'm Indigenous, but I'm legal as Canadian  

I'm a wanderer in Mexico


I'll keep wandering, I'll keep dreaming  

Between the lands, my heart's divided  

But wherever I may roam  

I carry both lands as my home

Photo Credit: Tina Winterlik

Photo Credit: Tina Winterlik

Photo Credit: Tina Winterlik

Photo Credit: Tina Winterlik

Photo Credit: Tina Winterlik

Photo Credit: Tina Winterlik

Photo Credit: Tina Winterlik