Saturday, March 19, 2016


While we all have different opinions on why we have HOUSING CRISIS IN VANCOUVER, the first step is to ACKNOWLEDGE IT!

Here's mine, see many others below....
Why Poverty in BC & Canada is Complex

.We have a lot of people in media and politics denying the causes but let's work together to actually fix the problems. WE NEED SOLUTIONS, NOW!!!

For Example:
Condos don’t have to be this city’s only saving grace, of course, but looking around you wouldn’t know that. We are starved for options in this city. You have your single-family homes, increasingly available only to millionaires, and your glass towers of one and two-bedroom condos where we are told young people should be able to start families or otherwise put down roots. The obvious problem being that families grow while condos do not and Vancouver conspicuously lacks several rungs along the property ladder that would allow for more young people to stay here as they move through the natural and normal phases of life.

 It’s the lack of options, as much as the actual cost of housing, which is compounding our crisis. Given this, it would have been opportune for the provincial government to offer some support for a breadth of housing options in last week’s provincial budget, including for those who are content to rent. Many people in Vancouver have let go of the idea of private home ownership as a life goal altogether. Our institutions, however, are slow to catch up. 

The Tyee has some great ideas

"My younger child is sleeping in my master bathroom," said the mother of two, gripping the podium tightly.

On the verge of tears, she discouraged everyone from dismissing the city's infamous housing crisis as an issue unique to entitled millennials seeking home ownership, or baby boomers "living high on the hog," unwilling to be proactive about the skyrocketing real estate market. Both Lloyd and her husband have PhDs, and are unable to afford more than a tiny two-bedroom condo.

Vancouver’s housing crisis: No, not like before, and not like anywhere else (except Hong Kong)

"Try discussing Vancouver’s affordability crisis with enough baby boomers and you’ll probably encounter two corrosive falsehoods.

The first states that Vancouver might  be unaffordable, but it’s been like this before. The second states that even if Vancouver has become particularly unaffordable recently, other “world-class” cities are being hit to the same degree everywhere, and Vancouverites should get used to it, because it’s the new normal.

For full effect, these sage observations are best delivered with a worldly sigh. Maybe a kindly pat on the head."

“People are really upset about what’s happening,” Eby said.
“Their wages have no connection to the amount of money that is being charged for rent and for housing to buy. The frustration that people have is they think their kids aren’t going to be able to afford to live here, they see the communities they love really no longer belonging to the community.
“And the idea of their community — where people could live there and work in the Lower Mainland — is disappearing.”

Eby called for provincial government action and said he expected the event to gain their attention.
“There’s all kinds of solutions available to them to rein in some of the speculation that’s happening, to reign in some of the international capital that’s coming into our market,” Eby said.
“They need to act and this meeting is a symbol of people’s frustration and their demand that the provincial government act.”

Onni Milne, in her 60s, a Point Grey resident, said she’s been made “so angry” by Vancouver’s housing situation.

“It is just horrifying to hear about the number of people who are looking for affordable housing and what they get is slum lords and what they get is disaster, and what they get is no housing,” Milne said.

This study is from 2014- And then we just brought in 50,000 more- so we need to adjust these numbers so make that 300,000 homeless people in Canada. 


"Conservatively, Larkin says there are an estimated 250,000 people who experience homelessness in any given year in Canada, and another 50,000 estimated “hidden homeless” (those couch surfing or squatting in buildings)."

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