Thursday, February 11, 2016

Is #SaveMyCoast my new hashtag

Weird, I didn't know that all these other people were using the same hashtag and anyways I guess I should think up a new one. Maybe #SaveOurBCcoast  How does that sound.

No, that's a great one but it has been used. I need my own.  Check this out!!

this is the funny thing, I didn' use it from Jan 31 to Feb 4 and boom that was it..

But it's not mine and I don't care, I happy everyone is using it. But someone got upset with me saying the were upset I was using it for self promotion but the whole idea is to use ART in the FORM of a PROTEST  AND PEACEFUL DISOBEDIENCE so we can #SaveOurcoast and I had made all the paintings and was sharing...but someone didn't like it. And I felt maybe I needed to clarify it a bit.

At first I couldn't understand what was happening and posted this in defense.

Anyways, whose really good with #hashtags and stats. Can someone tell me when the hashtag #SaveOurCoast was first used and any stats on that. What would I use to find that out?

So maybe I will rename my project #SaveMyCoast no one has used it and if I use it to promote my project well then you know I am promoting things to #SaveMyCoast

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