Sunday, April 3, 2011

Tina Winterlik -Social Media Superstar

Blog post by Tina Winterlik © 2011 

So my experiment worked, and I'm super impressed with the results, and I'll show you them in second, but let's recap for a moment. As mentioned Google loves new material, and by using SEO I was able to get on the first page of Google with each of these titles in less than 12 hours. That's Super Impressive I think. But before I go tooting my horn to much, it only worked with the word Vancouver, that's what made it unique, other wise I don't show up, EXCEPT for Social Media Super Hero, THEN I am #1 on Page 1

Check it out and compare to my other post Social Media Manager

So here are the titles I googled
Social Media Manager,  Social Media Manager Vancouver
Social Media Maven, Social Media Maven Vancouver
Social Media Specialist, Social Media Specialist Vancouver
Social Media Superstar, Social Media Superstar Vancouver
Social Media Super Hero, Social Media Super Hero Vancouver
Social Media Superhero. Social Media Super Hero Vancouver

Here are the results.
Social Media Manager - no where to be found
Social Media Manager Vancouver - # 7on page 1 -Not counting 2 ads at top of page
Social Media Manager Vancouver
Social Media Maven -no where to be found
Social Media Maven Vancouver  - # 3 on page 1
Social Media Maven Vancouver

Social Media Specialist- no where to be found
Social Media Specialist Vancouver - #9 on page 1
Social Media Specialist Vancouver
 Social Media Superstar- no where to be found
Social Media Superstar Vancouver - #1 on Page 1- Yayyyyy! I am a Superstar!!! ;)
Social Media Superstar Vancouver
Social Media Super Hero- #4 on Page 1
Social Media Super Hero Vancouver -#1 on Page 1 

Yay!!! I am a Social Media Super Hero!!

Social Media Superhero Vancouver

Social Media Superhero #5 on Page 1
Social Media Super Hero Vancouver #1 on Page 1 and the four top spots
Social Media Superhero Vancouver

So am I  a  Social Media Maven in Vancouver, and also a Social Media Specialist in Vancouver, and a Social Media Superstar Vancouver and a Social Media Super Hero,  and Social Media Super Hero Vancouver, Social Media Superhero. and a Social Media Super Hero Vancouver?

You bet your booties!! And I just showed you why!! 

In hindsight, I guess I should have grabbed my Facebook Page for Social Media Super Hero, but Facebook was going thru so many changes and I was just learning about we have to share the love ;) that's okay. Just remember Social Media Super Hero Facebook Page is NOT me!

So now if you saw my posts for Billboard Blogposts and were hesitant, now you have no reason to be.  IF you live in Vancouver then you know I can get you on the first page of Google. 

Read More about Billboard Blogposts


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1 comment:

Vancouver Social Media said...

Social media or "social networking" has almost become part of our daily lives. Social media offers these days the opportunity to promote any company in very creative and cost effective ways.